Quote Originally Posted by RonDuke View Post
I've contacted Juno requesting a method of exporting the email address book and they have responded that they do not provide any. They did refer me to a program that will do this for me. However, the program costs $20.00. I've done a seach for a free program and the only one I could find apparently doesn't work with the latest version of Juno.

Anyone know of a solution to this problem?
To create a csv file for import to yahoo you can start by exporting the yahoo address file, this will give you the format of the yahoo import file.
The file should only contain the yahoo address book headings.

Print your juno contacts to a xps file (works best with the first print option just names and addresses and phone numbers), open the xps file and do a cut and paste (just the name/addess/phone fields) to wordpad and add commas to align the fields to the yahoo headings. Insert three commas at the beginning of each line to position the name field to the nickname field and one between name and address and phone.

Open the yahoo csv text file in excel and copy and paste the wordpad text file with commas to the excel sheet starting on line 2 (below column headings).

The file will now be ready to import to yahoo.

From there you can export the yahoo address book as a csv and import it to the other address books .