I have had problems with these bugs also, as mentioned by Centaurus:

- Paste in place is broken. Objects are inserted far away from drawing edges
- Gradient fill on the group is broken (only one object changes the color when you modify the gradient fill on the group)
- Colot picker works wrong, when you try to pick color from lines and strokes (i doesn't feel the line widths)
- gradient fills are very unstable now. For some reason 'start' and 'end' colors were introduced and in the case of multuple-point gradient fills you never know which handle is active if you select one (it's mostly about intermediate handles)
Undo sometimes "jumps" my drawing in some direction especially if it was zoomed in and I have to find where I was working. It's not a big deal but when it's happening over and over again...
- Undo sometimes just doesn't work
- When you change the object or line color with Color Picker, sometimes (pretty often) it doesn't work. To reactivate it you have to deselect object then select it again, change it's color randomly by picking some color in Color editor (to ensure it's ok now) and only after that you can use Color Picker again.

I still LOVE this program! I know these bugs will be fixed in time.