But I'm not sure why you think that disk-space, which is essentially free at this sort of scale, is a useful guide to quality.

The real negative consequence of a feature being added which you don't want is *not* the disk-space which it uses, it's that the developer who added that feature wasn't doing something which you'd have preferred. That unwanted '3d extrude' icon / lame picture editor / whatever has cost you basically nothing for the diskspace, and basically nothing in performance if you don't use it.

What is has cost you is that the guy who was doing the 3d extrude wasn't doing something you'd have preferred - whatever that is - everyone on here has a different list of things they'd like.

Writing a multi-option installer, and forever supporting the 2^n different installations it results in, has just the same opportunity cost - the guy that's writing the installer is not doing anything more useful to you.

Your best hope is to ask for the features you do want, not fixate on complete irrelevances in a way that might risk people wondering if you use a lot of green ink. Personally, nothing I've ever asked for in here has ever appeared in the product, but let's at least try to be constructive...