It starts with a photograph. This particular one the shadows had gone completely to black. Meanwhile about six layers of "screen" mode, merged to one layer, then, having reserved one layer unaltered, erased the now overexposed parts of the bird. This does make the underexposed part very muddy, grainy. But if you use it as a source of painting, it does some nice stuff.

I have been working with photography lately, either redrawing it, or altering it a lot and then painting over it, just having fun.

Since most of these are from images found on the web, they look nice on screen, but wouldn't be really large paintings if printed. But they are good studies for if I wanted to expand on what I've done to paint on canvas. I have done that before. But it's been a while, messier to do, but it has it's own reward.

Some people print on canvas, in this, I guess you'd have to have it done or to find a source canvas paper and a wide berth printer which can handle it.

This was done in ArtRage, a $25.00 program, but there is a free version, actually, there is nothing I did in this one which couldn't be done in the free version.