The computer is a method of running the operating system which runs your programs. If your operating system allows you to run more programs, it is a great convenience.

I have both MAC and PC programs and run them on my MAC Pro as I have Parallels Desktop. I find, however I am using Windows less (Windows XP didn't upgrade to Vista) and MAC more.

MAC comes with programs which are actually useful, and you can get the new iWork and iLife for around $80.00 each. The hardware costs more but lasts longer. Not all programs are more expensive. In fact, I've been having a ball with a $25.00 program. BTW, does run under Windows too. That is ArtRage, and like Xara, it can be unstable though incredibly intuitive and productive, you just have to save, save, save.

Who cares if it makes sense to anyone else, get the computer which will do the job for you. I have to work with both platforms so the MAC made sense for my line of work. MAC will run Windows, Linux too. A PC running MAC???? Not likely going to happen anytime soon. You might get the OS to load, and it is nice to look at the desktop.

The next hurdle is running software which is 64-bit rather than 32-bit.

A building is as stable as its foundations, Windows still sits on top of DOS. Why? It's like a deck of card, how high can you go building with cards?