Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
Here's something that really surprised me: A max of 9 files for recent files. OK, it's not the end of the world, but why build such measly uneccessary limits into the software?
I've seen this all over, so I don't think it's a Xara specific thing. I think it has something to do with using MFC or some other GUI framework library. The list is always stored in the registry, so that might factor into it somehow as well.

Of course, the code to write a list of files to disk and read them back is about as trivial as things get (speaking as a developer), but there's probably a cognitive limit to how big a menu can get before it becomes hard to use (though I wouldn't put that number in the vicinity of 9, personally).

Like most people, I tend to store most of my files together with a single directory per project. I've worked with some software in the past that, besides providing you with a list of recently accessed files, also provides you with a list of paths that you've recently used as well, and picking them would open up a file dialog directly into that path, and set it as the current directory so that saves go there as well.

Something like that in Xara would be fairly handy.