Being a Webstyle user, thought I would drop a note or two about what Webstyle is and isn't.

  • It is a program that provides Graphics, templates, animated GIFs and javascript to help build your Website.
  • It is not an HTML, CSS or XML program.

The reason that I am putting this here, it seems a lot people are having problems figuring out what to do with Webstyle items that are imported into their Web Folders.

The only items Webstyle puts into your folder is the name that you decide for that project and the appropriate graphics and/or javascript.

The location of the graphic on your Web page is entirely up to you.

There are some conflicts with certain browsers and javascript (Internet Explorer and Mozilla) that occur time to time. And it can be a hair-pulling experience to figure out what the problem is. With that said, it is a browser problem and how it deals with javascript(js) and not the js itself.

What Webstyle does with buttons and menus is provides you with some GIF images and some javascript functions that control when the menus slide up or down or which direction (depending on the style of the navabar or button.)

If you are having trouble making it fit or locate it precisely on a Web page, use a table or some other method to capture the graphic in a box, just like you would any other graphic.

All in all, I would just like to remind people that Webstyle inserts graphics and sometimes javascript to help you make a Webpage. It can resize, re-color, change the text, change the style and even add to the graphic on the fly when interfaced with Dreamweaver or Frontpage.

Hopefully, that will clear some things up to realize that Webstyle is a smart graphics program to help make html design easier. But it is mainly a graphics interface, nothing more.