Quote Originally Posted by eobet
I would like to do this, but there isn't an automatic nightly build server set up anywhere yet is there? (Also, I do not know how to report bugs/feedback, but that is probably my own fault for not reading up on it... is it done via Sourceforge or some Bugzilla server somewhere?)
No, there is no build server. My latest debug XCode build is only about 20 MByte (using DWARF), so it is feasible.

See the most recent bugs at the Xara Bugzilla.

Quote Originally Posted by eobet
Judging by the last couple of OS X threads on this forum, it seems that the OS X code still doesn't compile cleanly. I have no skills or time to fix such issues, but I do have enough C/C++ skills to hopefully look into fixes in a more mature build. Also, I wasn't aware that there is an xcode project for download (though I haven't really read that carefully). I thought you had to roll your own, including installing a lot of dependencies, and that is why people have such trouble building the OS X version?
Forgive me, it certainly compiles cleanly. I have taken the current build to our local Macintosh User Group every month since Xara made the source available (it is possible that the Macintosh Users concerned think that this is some kind of nuisance).

There are no major dependencies. The bulk of the requirements are provided by the wxWidgets project, and it is all documented (not perfectly, I admit) on the Mac OS build page. The non-obvious things are headers for the PNG and JPEG libraries - we use the private headers from the wxWidgets sources; and libxml - we are still working on this, and the best bet is to use the libxml from the fink project but this is not felt, with good reason, to be the best way of making official builds. Otherwise it just needs a little elbow grease.

There is an XCode project in svn, and some instructions for it on the mailing list, exempli gratia, XCode project, and quite a number of posts this month.

I am at present working on a 'Personal' XCode project, which will not produce Universal Binaries, just the architecture for your system, and will be more tolerant of paths and other environment issues; and it just so happens that I need the assistance of a willing and energetic first-timer: It is nearly meaningless that I can compile Xara LX using my methods, we need to demonstrate that somebody else can.
