Well, hi eberyone!

I am a TOTAL newbie here, and haven't had time to read all that has been posted regarding the Xtreme port to Linux and OSX...
The only thing I can say is: I LOVE YOU FOR DOING THAT!

I have been slowly planning my final (and hopefully) definitive move AWAY from Windows towards a life of more pleasant, efficient, predictable and secure computation with MacOSX...
Most of the apps I need have been ported (Maya, RenderMan, Shake, etc.) but I am a very-long-time-user of CorelDRAW, and I simply cannot think of using that travesty called "illustrator"... (an inbred transgenic mutation of Photoshop and it's own vector masks...)

I had a brief encounter with Xara while in its previous relationship with Corel, and simply LOVED the app!...
To have if finally ported to OSX would be my final triumph over Windows! I will finally achieve a "Windows-free" state of consciousness!!

THANK YOU XARA!! I'll be looking forward to the OSX build!
You guys ROCK!!