Still having problems.
Just to recap:
I have a series of watercolour layers, each with a blue drop icon, each in a gel blending mode. In amongst are three pixel based soft cloning layers, with a grey 3 layer icon. The canvas at the bottom is filled with white.
I want to replace this white canvas layer with a coloured one, that does not interact with the watercolor layers above.
Filling the canvas layer with a new colour affects all the layers above.
If I commit the water color layers, the new canvas colour still interacts with the watercolour layers above. If I change the blending mode of the watercolour layers, I get bizarre changes in the already completed colouring of the fruits.
In Photoshop, it would be a simple matter of dropping in the new colour layer below all the others, but this does not seem to work with Painter, though it's down to me not knowing how.
I have spent quite a lot of time getting to where I am with this image, and it is undermining my confidence in the software to be able to modify what I have done without wrecking all of the previous work