Can someone explain where these Help - Directions for importing color palettes need correction(see below)?
I'm trying to load a few CorelDraw color palettes(Version 8,9,12 of COrelDraw)into the Color Gallery and I keep getting an error message that says there is no filter for these files. I've done a search on color palettes and looked into Gary's WebXealot archives.

Thanks, Wayne D

Importing colors and palettes

You can import the following color table and palette files.

CorelDRAW Palette .CPL and .PAL
Adobe Color Tables .ACT
Adobe Color Swatches .ACO
PaintShop Pro Palettes .PAL
Microsoft Palettes .PAL

You can import the colors into a document, or place them in the Color Gallery so they are always available.

To import a palette file

Into an existing document - drag the file icon from Explorer or File Manager and drop it onto the document window away from the Color Line.
Into a new, blank document - drag the file icon from Explorer or File Manager and drop it on the Color Line.

To add a palette to the Color Gallery

1. Open the folder into which you installed the program.
2. Open the Palettes folder.
3. Copy a palette file into this folder. The file must be in one of the formats described above.


Imported colors become named colors when you import them and are displayed in the Color Gallery and on the Color Line.
For palette files that contain large numbers of colors, it may be easier to import the palette into a blank document and use the Color Gallery to move the required named colors from the blank document into your selected document. Using the Color Gallery to apply a named color from the blank document automatically copies that named color into the selected document.

To create a palette file from Adobe Photoshop, select Indexed Color from the Mode menu and choose Color Table from the Mode menu.
To create a palette file from PaintShop Pro V3, choose Save Palette from the Colors menu.
You can only import colors from palette files when they are defined in color models supported by the program. e.g. PhotoColtone colors in ACT files will not import.

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