Menu Maker has its quirks. I found that the best thing to do is to save your files in a new project folder. Then take those files and load them to your website. To make changes to the menu again - go to the last folder you made changes in and load the menu from it. You must be careful about the project names you give to these.

I don't know what changes you are making - but if you take a look at the javascript file that is created, there are a lot of changes you can make without having to open menu maker.

For instance - to drop a menu item from the menu - simply put to forward slashes // to the left of the line with the code for the button you don't want to use right now. This can be done quite simply using notepad.

You can also update your links by using the javascript file instead of MenuMaker. They are clearly represented in the file - just make sure that you have word wrapping turned off and they will be easy to see. Try playing around with the code a bit and you will see.

Hope this helps....

"Wherever you go, there you are."

Randy Allen