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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    I had nothing against people voting for the XaraXone. It was the unethical tactics of your ‘click-here’ posts that got to me. I have lost count on how many times I have said that here at Talkgraphics and in private emails. Did I not even provide you with tips, and a link to a CGI script that would make it easier for you to implement an easier, and more effective linking strategy to Graphics.com?

    As well I would not have bothered writing this had you not felt compelled to also insult me personally in your "It's a new week :-)" post (omitting my name makes it no less insulting). I’m truly and utterly disgusted! Please, remove everything that has my name on it at the XaraXone - anything else would be just plain wrong!



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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    I had nothing against people voting for the XaraXone. It was the unethical tactics of your ‘click-here’ posts that got to me. I have lost count on how many times I have said that here at Talkgraphics and in private emails. Did I not even provide you with tips, and a link to a CGI script that would make it easier for you to implement an easier, and more effective linking strategy to Graphics.com?

    As well I would not have bothered writing this had you not felt compelled to also insult me personally in your "It's a new week :-)" post (omitting my name makes it no less insulting). I’m truly and utterly disgusted! Please, remove everything that has my name on it at the XaraXone - anything else would be just plain wrong!



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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    And, I did not take it as an insult that you and Wayne and Peter did not choose to inform me of your plans for an alternative conference. Although I think it might have been respectful to do so.

    I was under the understanding that we were all helping each other in the Xara community.

    As I have told you in numerous private e-mail messages, having the Xara Xone appear high in the top sites is important for the Xara Xone but it is also important for the Xara community as it tends to bring the curious to the Xara Xone where my hope is they will discover Xara X and maybe keep this fine product from falling off the face of the earth.

    Whether you use a CGI script to score high on the charts, or ask people who use Xara and participate in these conferences to vote for their favorite program is about the same the way I see it. I help people every day in these conferences and I ask only that if they are of a mind to, that they support the Xara Xone, a free Xara resource.

    I have always valued your friendship, humor, and tremendous talent. And I will honor your request to remove your excellent contributions to the Xara Xone if this is what you really want.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    Click to make The Xara Xone #1

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    Did you read what you wrote in your original post? (OR did you edit your post again?) Perhaps you already forget the original "controversial" 'click-here' thread that you first edited, and then later deleted?

    Your quote: "Whether you use a CGI script to score high on the charts, or ask people who use Xara and participate in these conferences to vote for their favorites program is about the same the way I see it."
    --- The CGI script is not a cheat (again you insult me!) I was trying to HELP YOU link to any place of your choosing/and easily link somewhere else if you changed your mind. The script is still running on my Web site... it is the 'rand_link' script from Matt's Script Archive... no artificial clicks there. Go and have a look and see how I use it...

    Gary quote: "And, I did not take it as an insult that you and Wayne and Peter did not choose to inform me of your plans for an alternative conference."
    ---Sorry, I was not aware that I needed YOUR permission to create another forum where Xara X can be discussed. Pixelparity.org is just an additional Xara X resource… nothing more, nothing less. Did you read Peter Duggan’s last post at all?!

    I'm in shock of your discontent, and your insinuations! Yes, please do remove my content from XaraXone – go back and look at your posts – then look at your last one, then ask yourself how you could do anything else…

    I have nothing against Talkgraphics! It is an amazing place filled with amazing people! You are trying to make this a Talkgraphics/Pixelparity.org issue – THIS IS A “click here!” + your latest insults issue.



    Visit my web site!

    [This message was edited by Risto Klint on March 19, 2003 at 19:23.]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    St. Paul, MN


    Risto, It really does seem to me that you're over-reacting here. I see you taking insult where none was intended. Certainly Gary never implied that you needed his permission to start another Xara-related forum, but he does deserve to have been notified of your plans.

    I sure hope you two can find a way to come to some agreeable arrangement which will allow your material to remain on the XaraXone.

    Let cooler heads prevail.


    Wise men still seek Him.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    British Columbia, Canada


    . . . from under the shroud of lurkdom to say something here.

    If there is a question of ethics in Gary's use of this forum to promote the XaraXone -- and this is a very debatable question -- I consider it to be of a microscopically trivial level of importance when compared to the issue of people getting along with each other and enjoying these forums, and life in general.

    Risto, I don't know you except through what I have seen of you here at the TG forums, so that is all I have to work with in trying to understand what has been going on with you. I am quite frankly a bit concerned about you, and it is out of concern that I am writing this post.

    You seem to have gone from being a very productive, humourous, easy-going, helpful and positive member of this on-line community, to being a seemingly rather oversensitive and volatile personality, with an often negative outlook. You appear to have made some rash decisions recently, acting out of emotions whose intensity is far out of proportion to the events that appear to have set them off.

    We are all human here, and as such our behaviour is frequently irrational and hard to understand or even to accept. But even the worst of the behaviour I have witnessed in these forums is -- when looked at with some objectivity -- just about totally harmless. What can be harmful is a lack of willingness to be tolerant of our differences and to resist the temptation to take offense, even when offense is intended, and especially when it isn't.

    So, please, bring on the cooler heads, and show us the Risto (and the Gary) we have come to know and love.

    There are two kinds of people in the world: those who think there are two kinds of people in the world, and those who dont.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana


    I find it very sad that it seems the PixelParity site and Talkgraphics cannot exist side by side.
    I value the XaraXone and Talkgraphics greatly, they have certainly encouraged me to produce images that would never have been finished, (or even started), had there not been this terrific resourse to show them off and inspire new efforts.
    Pixelparity is another resource that will encourage new images, and lets face it to post the old ones again, in order to hopefully reach a few new potential xara converts.
    The Web is a big place, more than enough room for all, mutualy destructive 'in' fighting in what I assumed was a tight mutualy respectful community will drive people away completly and with these resources abandoned Xara will wither and fade along with them as Xara isn't doing much to promote itself.
    Its sad, but from my point of view there will hardly be any point in having a connection to the internet if these resources disappear.


    [This message was edited by masque on March 20, 2003 at 00:29.]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    joroho - did you read the original post or the self-censored one?

    GroWeb - I appreciate your concern for me! http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif Perhaps, you just missed the self-censored (Like the last one...) and deleted threads?

    Your quote: "You seem to have gone from being... etc..." I guess you missed the other posts around here... TG and PP are not the only forums on the web. It might come as a shock to you but there is also something called: "helping out in your community..."

    Derek - What can I say... http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif



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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A


    I value everyone who participates in these forums, and every single one of you have contributed something of use. It would be a shame to see that all erased to help no one further or brighten anybody elses day. If you like the site, do everything you can to help it, and reason problems out, just forget about some things...
    my 2 cents

    Steve Newport

    -My Gallery-

    -Featured Artist 2002-
    Steve Newport


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    ... be more than a slight confusion here...

    Talkgraphics and the XaraXone are not the same websites. (I know it might seem that way.) To the people who sent me emails (and Steve?) I never asked anything to be deleted from Talkgraphics.



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