I haven't tried the newsreader out yet but here are the instructions that I copied/pasted from the Jasc forum on the subject. I hope they will forgive me for plagerizing http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

If you do not already have an account, click the "Sign Up" link at the top of User Forums home page (http://forums.jasc.com/). You will be asked to enter a username and your email address. A password will be emailed to you after you agree to the Terms of Use and click the Signup button. You can use this default password or change it by clicking the "Options" link and selecting "My Profile" from the available options.

We recommend using Outlook Express for best results, but access through many other newsreaders is also possible. To access the User Forums through your newsreader, follow the steps below:

OUTLOOK EXPRESS (v5.0 and later)

1. Open Outlook Express.

2. In the program window, click on Tools, then Accounts...

3. In the Internet Accounts window, click Add, then News...

4. In the Internet Connection Wizard window, enter a display name (this name will be displayed on all your postings and replies). Click Next.

5. Enter your email address, then click Next. Please note that if you chose to hide your email address in your account profile, it will also be hidden on all posts you make using your newsreader.

6. In the News (NNTP) Server field, enter "userforums.jasc.com" (without the quotes). Click in the "My news server requires me to log on" check box (it should display a check mark). Click Next.

7. In the Account name field, enter the User Forums username that you created and in the Password field, type the password that was emailed to you or that you changed. Click Next.

8. Click Finish, and you should be back at the Internet Accounts window. "userforums.jasc.com" should be listed as an account.

9. Click Close. You will be prompted with a window asking if you would like to download the newgroups from the account you just added. Choose Yes.

10. In the Newsgroup Subscriptions window, there will be a list of available groups. These are the same groups as in the web interface.

11. Highlight a group by clicking it and either click Go to (if you want to go to the newsgroup now) or click Subscribe and OK. You can subscribe to as many groups as you want to participate in.

note to the admin....if this post is not appropriate, let me know and I will delete it