pixels and dots per inch seem to be interchangable across programs etc until no ones really sure what's the difference if any. ( DPI is a print term. Computers don't have dots only pixels, so we should really talk about ppi when talking obout computer images)

Create a 96 x 96 pixel square in XaraX.

Change units temporarily and you can see xara says this is a 1" square. Measure it on your screen, I doubt it will measure 1".

Change back to pixels.

Select the square and export as a jpg at 600 dpi. Xara gives this a dimension in Pixels of 600 x 600.

Import it back into Xara. It will be 96 x 96 pixels or 1" square. If you go to print this it should print out as a 1" square. After all the size on export was set at 600 pixels. The dpi was set at 600 dpi, therefore 600/600 = 1". Obviously you wouldn't normally want such a high resolution for a plain square, but you may if you wanted to print a high end catalogue.

Now import it into your web editor. It imports as a 600 x 600 pixel square. So the web editor, nor the browser pays any attention to the dpi setting, just the overall pixel dimensions. That's why I say that exporting an image at 72 dpi only reduces the size of the image file because it's a smaller dimensioned image. You may as well export at 48 dpi. You only get a file size saving because your image is half the size. If you want to create a half size image, do it in your image editor and export at 96 dpi for PC based prog and 72 dpi for Mac based progs.
