Hey Judi: You could try something light first, like asking her to make it clear from her link page that she is linking to your site ("special thanks to Judi A for her fantastic ....... to go to her home page, click here"). That way, you at least get recognized for your work, and you may actually get a little more traffic.

Might also want to change your own copyright text on the bottom of the pages to say something like "copyright 2001-2002 all rights reserved. All material, text, art, references, etc. belong to their creator, Judi A. No copy without..... For more information, please visit our homepage here(link).

In that way, you're recognized, but also covered if someone else inlines your pages without your knowledge.

For future reference, you may want to add the break frame script to your pages to reduce this type of behavior.

Javascript.com should have a reference to the break frames script. If you still can't find it, let me know and I'll ask our Webmaster for the script.
