I've included the .xar file as visuals are easier than words. There are only 2 things we are playing with: the arrow and the ballroom dancers.

Ballroom dancers:
Select a graphic, text, shape, whatever down the page where you would like the arrow to appear.
Click Utilites > Names and give the object a name. I called mine 'trigger1', but it can be anything.

Place it where you would like it to be in relation to the top of the page.
Make it sticky.
Make it Link To Top Of Page.
Click Utilities > Web Animation > Reveal/Scroll (tab) > Reveal Animation (radio button) > Trigger Object Name (drop down box) and choose whatever you named your object.

You can use an animation to make the object appear, I used Fade, but there's a decent list to choose from.

>>> Sue Arrow.xar <<<