Guys! Guys! No need to rip eachother's head off!

I just wanted some feedback, and that's what I got. Thank you all. Valid points. I will remove the cd photos from the cover slideshow. Then the "Moi" (Goodday, hello and bye in Gronings) won't clash.
Also, the slow loading of the background will be fixed, or so I hope. And I can give the text in the boxes some more space, no problem.
The not being good on a cell....could you elaborate more on that please?

Oh, and the issues in the cloud remain....they're still trying to figure out what that is, In Designer itself and online these issues are nonexistent. Go figure. for the man smoking a cigarette.... that's only for the cover. He doesn't smoke,nor has he ever (in fact he is a physical therapist and athlete at 60), and in the song he also mentions he hates the smell. Zwait en zwoare sjek (sweat and strong tobacco) is a song about the hard working men like his dad who smelled like that after a days work. glamourising the old smokes. It's all about context right?

I'll get to work on the issues now, and please.... play nice kids!