I think the first site - the diabetes cure - is nicely done ( I hate these kind of sites, but I'll set that aside ).

My suggestion on both these sites is not to have a pure white background. Why not? because the contrast is very high and it makes it slightly uncomfortable to read. Go for an off-white background to knock back the contrast. A lot of websites have 'white' backgrounds that aren't pure white.

Your site is slow to load. I think you have some big images.

The second site.

I kind of despair at the way that what should be a celebration of the skill in making wrought iron work has been reduced to a waterfall of text and small pictures. I absolutely hate the home page it should emphasize in pictures the design and work quality. Make people believe in the quality of the work to want to have these people work for them. Instead what we have in the hero position is "10 year guarantee".

I hate what you've done on the second site. The sea of text is badly laid out and hard to read. Way too much text and content. What should have been a celebration of the skills of those guys has been sacrificed for a load of text to satisfy SEO bots.

I'd like to see a lot less text, a lot less content - there's far too much. Show what they do. Show clients are happy. Explain why they can do a great job for the visitor. Nobody wants to read the amount of text and content that you have. Big pictures, focussed text. Less will be more.

Client: I need some ironwork, these guys look good, I'll contact them. I'm not interested in their life story.

Big thumbs-down on that second site. Sorry.

I would have sent these comments privately but it's not possible. I know a lot of people will think my evaluation is nonsense, but that's fine.


These sites aren't perfect but showcase the client better. There is a low bar for these sites, it seems.


