I have found a way to restore the rubbish IE Preview window for v18 and Pro+ using a setting in the Microsoft Registry.

This kludge is primarily for web designers wishing to quickly test their web design in as many browsers as possible.
The "better" implementation has bypassed the internal-IE feature where you only get Previews in your default browser.
This is laudable as IE is struggling to handle modern web capability.

I previously advised a JavaScript function that assists the current URL into re-opening into MS Edge. Sadly, this is not possible for other browsers.

  • Close XDPXv18.
  • Open MS Registry and locate: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\XtremePro x64\18\Options\WebPreview\UseDefaultBrowserForPrev iew.
  • Change the entry value from 1 to 0.

As always, if you are uncertain about twiddling the Registry, don't. At least back it up first.

Xara Pro+ is also under ..\18\Options\WebPreview\UseDefaultBrowserForPrevi ew.
I have not check v17 or XWD(P) entries.

@Xara - this is another of of the little UI fixes that would overcome a lot of designers' angst.
