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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro?


    As Black Friday approaches, are there any signs that Magix might SELL - rather than rent - us a copy of Xara Designer Pro+ ?
    Hopefully at a sensible price...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    What is HD?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    I think that should be 4K rather than HD ['high definition']
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    xara are obviously not going to 'sell' pro+ because that is neither the business model, nor in any way practical to do

    so it's a question of wait for the magix to catch up - your guess when as good as mine
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    Xara won't.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    > xara are obviously not going to 'sell' pro+ because that is neither the business model, nor in any way practical to do

    I feel extremely strongly about issue.

    1. There is nothing "impractical" about buying software the old way. Indeed you can still buy a copy of "Xara Designer Pro X" on Magix.com. It's just that the UI is a disaster on higher res screens.
    Please explain yourself.

    2. The subscription (i.e. in effect "rental") business model may suite software developers and their accountants, however for busy people in general business, who only use Xara occassionally the rental business model is not acceptable. And a lot of freelancers agree with me. Furthermore, if the software does not improve significantly I reserve the right to just pay for the original version of the software that I paid good money for.

    Personally, I am not prepare to create files of data that unless I have coughed up for the subscription am can no longer edit.

    I know a lot of Adobe Illustrator users who don't use it as often as they used to, who are now looking around for something that is NOT on a subcription model (£20/month). With regret I have had to tell them not to use the otherwise excellent Xara Designer Pro. Interestingly none of them had even heard of Xara. Someone I talked to yesterday said he was trialling Affinity Designer - although FWIW he said that the UI wasn't very intuitive and that the learning curve was steep, with some odd wrinkles. Something about being unable to resize a group of shapes...

    > I think that should be 4K rather than HD ['high definition']
    Er, yes "4K" might be the more conventional way of putting it... but what I mean is a UI that works comfortable when you screen is running any of the higher resolution including 4K, 8K, 16K... I believe they even make 64K nowadays.

    Sorry if I get a few things wrong, but due PURELY to xara.com's subscription model I am now rather out of touch with and seledom use Xara.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by shiphen View Post
    Please explain yourself
    I am a late-middle aged caucasian male cartoo.... NO WAIT that is not what you meant right ?

    look the pro+ model is suubscription only, it is set up that way; end of story on that one

    the non subscription model is the magix route; so far it has not been updated with 4K support; end of story on that one

    you are not going to impress xara with talk of adobe alternatives - that is not where they see their future, up to a point that has never been where they saw their future

    you cannot make companies [people] be what youi want them to be... they are what they are
    Last edited by handrawn; 19 November 2020 at 04:42 PM. Reason: fix quote
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    I am a late-middle aged caucasian male cartoo.... NO WAIT that is not what you meant right ?
    the non subscription model is the magix route; so far it has not been updated with 4K support; end of story on that one
    Your key words are "so far"... so er in effect by definition the story has yet to end!

    I may be missing something important, but having re-written their entire UI so that Xara DOES work at 4K (or higher), I would find it exceedingly odd if they were to deliberately cripple their non-subscription software... forever. But who knows - maybe the will.

    Yes, obviously I can't "make" any company do or be anything... any more than they can "make" us pay for it through subscriptions or any other equally appalling business models that simply don't suit us.

    It's just I find it DEEPLY TRAGIC that what is in truth one of my all-time favourite applications - and originally written here in the UK, what's more - has taken a horrible wrong-turn and that I have had to drop them.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    end of story as in no more can be said (at this point in time)
    que sera sera for the future

    xara want to make money it is what they are in business for
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Re: Black Friday - any signs we might to buy the full HD version of Xara Designer Pro

    > end of story as in no more can be said (at this point in time)
    I would settle for end of chapter!

    > xara want to make money it is what they are in business for
    Quite right too. And it is to exactly that point that I have been speaking.

    The fact remains that I have been wanting to give them more of my money more or less continuously for the last 6 years - since July 2014. All they needed to do was upgrade the UI to be compatible with modern high resolution screens....




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