Question: How is the 'pubands' layer on the 'album' page accessed?
It's a left over from plan B. Originally it replaced the alphabet on the left and was accessed via a sticky button, but the pop-up has to be sticky too, which stopped the links working. Then there was the problem of automatically closing...clicking a link made the pop-up close rather than trigger the link and removing the auto-close meant having to physically close it, which was cumbersome, so I abandoned the approach.

I like to chip in because, as koshed said earlier, learning is best done by doing. I hadn't attempted anything similar to this project and wanted to try. Also, holidays, no work to preoccupy my mind and the devil finds work for idle hands.

Acorn. I understood the first and last line, the bit in-between is some form of Klingon. But I know where to paste it and it may make sense to me when I use it. I'm going to presume line 5 should read ...parentNode and not ...p arentNode but who knows, the black arts are a mystery to me.