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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Denver, CO

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)


    I don't use SwishMax, so I can help with the application.

    I noticed when decompiling your navigation swf that you are using Absolute URL's in your buttons. Try using a Relative URL instead. That might help.


    Absolute URL: http://www.yourdomain.com/index.htm
    Relative URL: index.htm or if the file is in a subfolder on your site: subfolder/index.htm

    I've taken your SWF and exported in the Flash 6 player Actionscript ver 1.0 and everything works. Here's a sample I put up if you want to see: http://www.bigplan.net/client/powerball/flashtest.htm

    The only other thing I can think is it has to do with your hosting company. Perhaps they don't like URL's without an alias. Just a thought.

    Hope this helps.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by RedWombat; 03 February 2008 at 12:57 PM.


    Big Plan Creative - Napoleon had one . . . Einstein had one . . . Do you have one?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)

    Actually, the swf was published in Flash 4 which is the default setting in SWiSHmax. I do have the option of publishing it in a later version if I want to but I have difficulty in accepting that this could be the cause. My reason being that the same swf is used on all the other pages and they have no problem. Plus, if I manually add back the www in the address bar and then reopen the page, the navbar works perfectly.

    My guess is that there's something in the html code that's responsible but I cannot see it.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)

    Quote Originally Posted by RedWombat View Post


    Absolute URL: http://www.yourdomain.com/index.htm
    Relative URL: index.htm or if the file is in a subfolder on your site: subfolder/index.htm
    Here we have a problem RedWombat, and maybe it's behind this issue. All the pages that work on my site are in the main public_html directory. The 2 pages causing trouble however, are index pages situated in separate directories. I don't see how I can use a relative URL pointing to the root folder if I'm already in a subfolder.

    For example, let's say I'm in http://www.powerball-club.com/petanque/index.html, how would I point back to the root folder? Surely, if I inserted the target as index.html I would merely refresh the index page of the petanque subfolder.

    Of course, one way to overcome this could be to put the 2 pages in the root folder. For example, http://www.powerball-club.com/petanque.html but I must admit I would like to conquer this issue so that I can use subfolders on the site. Oh, and before I drop this subject, I noticed that the navbar works perfectly in each exercise page found within the exercises subfolder. For example, http://www.powerball-club.com/exercises/7.html. That only goes to prove that it is possible to run the navbar in a subfolder but it also makes the issue even more confusing. Why will it not work in index.html pages?

    I've taken your SWF and exported in the Flash 6 player Actionscript ver 1.0 and everything works. Here's a sample I put up if you want to see: http://www.bigplan.net/client/powerball/flashtest.htm
    So are you suggesting that I should try re-exporting the swf in Flash Player 6 format?

    The only other thing I can think is it has to do with your hosting company. Perhaps they don't like URL's without an alias. Just a thought.
    What is an URL without an alias please?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Denver, CO

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)

    You make some valid points Powerball.

    On the relative URL from a sub folder. You can direct the URL up a level by placing ../ before the file name. For example: ../index.htm or you can tell the URL to begin at the root of the site by using /index.htm. It kind of depends on levels of sub folders etc that you have. If you wanted to point to a file in a cross folder. Say your in examples and you want to point to the index file in petanque. It could look like this: /petanque/index.htm.

    I know that you've had success on some of your sub pages, but I've not been able to see it work on any page in your examples, with the exception of the link to your blog.

    If it's the Flash Player version 4 that you're compiling to, I wouldn't go that far. Stop at version 6 if that. Actionscript was significantly different back in version 4.

    You could try the Flash Player version 6, but I found somthing else you might want to look at. In your html code you have this item in your Embed and Object tags
    <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="samedomain">
    "samedomain" is suppose to permit scripting operations only if the Flash application is from the same domain as the HTML page. Perhaps the difference between having the www and not having it is making Flash believe it is a different domain. Your options for this attribute are Always, Never and Samedomain. I know we're running you all over the place with what we think is the issue, but try changing this to Always to see what you get.

    As far as the alias question, I refer to the www part of the URL as an alias. It can be changed to whatever you want. With your webserver you can create an entire different site off the same domain using a different alias if you want.

    I hope we're being helpful here.
    Last edited by RedWombat; 03 February 2008 at 02:04 PM.


    Big Plan Creative - Napoleon had one . . . Einstein had one . . . Do you have one?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)

    With regard to changing the relative URL's to ../index.html in the swf, I can't see how that could work because the same swf is used throughout the site so all pages located in the root directory would cause problems. Perhaps one alternative would be to create a separate swf for the 2 problem pages although I'm still at a loss as to why it won't work in /exercises/index.html when it does work in /exercises/1.html ???

    I changed the scriptaccess to "always" and upped the page but it hasn't made any difference.

    If you want to verify that the other pages work as they should you can access them using the text links at the base of the page. I'm concerned that you say none of the buttins worked for you in any of the pages I cited because they work perfectly for me on http://www.powerball-club.com/exercises/7.html.

    Thanks for the explanation of the alias although I'm still not certain how I can make any changes to that.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Problem solved!!

    I would like to thank everyone that came to my aid with this. It certainly wan't an easy one to solve and I truly appreciate all the assistance you guys have provided.

    In the end I have managed to solve it using the advice of RedWombat. I re-exported the HTML code in Flash Player 6 format which seems to be quite different. For starters, the scriptaccess command is no longer present at all.

    The 2 pages still load without the www. in the address but the navbar works as it should.

    Thanks once again for all your help. If there's anything I can do for you in return please don't hesitate to ask.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Denver, CO

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)

    You're welcome.

    I just about replied to your second to last post because now the links are working for me, when I waited until reading your last post after you exported using ver 6.

    It is true that a single SWF with links to several sub folders would have issues with Relative URL's. You are correct with that.

    Glad it worked out.

    Best of luck!


    Big Plan Creative - Napoleon had one . . . Einstein had one . . . Do you have one?

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Navbar issue (urgent)

    Glad to see you managed to sort it out Powerball. As RedWobat points out there's a huge difference between Flash 4 and Flash 6. It's even more difficult when certain versions of certain browsers mess it up.

    I don't understand the problem with swf's calling on various different sub folders though. It's only a matter of getting the path name correct.

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