Well, XARA. I give up. I downloaded what I thought was an upgrade to XDP17 and it's call Pro+. Worked fine then have to log in to some freakin' website to gain access. This is all within my subscription service. Xara/Magix whatever you call yourselves - you have lost me. I'm now going over to Affinity and will not look back. I am sick of the goal posts constantly being moved, heightened, narrowed and removed. The way you change things, reword things and generally don't give a sh!t about long term users, you should be ashamed. All you care about is the almighty $. XDP is a simple, easy to use program - Affinity has some other challenges, but it is a living, breathing beast - XDP is an old, tired and expensive relic.

I won't even kiss you goodbye - just have to spit out the horrid taste you've left in my mouth.