Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
Alan, if the demos didn't work on mobile, you should report that to Xara.

Animation isn't really concerned with whether a site is viewed on a mobile phone or not, or whether the site is responsive, but there are browsers and there are browsers.

WYSIWYG is not very amenable to responsive design and I rather consider Xara to produce adaptive sites rather than responsive, but that's a grey area.

Give us a link and tell us what doesn't work, Alan.
No, quite, Paul...I didn't mean to suggest that a non-responsive web page wouldn't display at all, but rather it won't display correctly, for the most part. Images not in the right place compared to the associated text, and more.

What I should have said (but it's too early in the morning, no excuse for posting anyhow!) is that Flash content, the stuff Xara writes, won't display at all on a mobile phone. Thanks to the late Steve Jobs' insistence, which wasn't totally unfounded considering the security risks Adobe seems non-nonchalant about.

Sorry for lack of clarity.

My Best,
