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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I'm new here. I basically found this forum because I have a project I want to work on.
    I know there's got to be a way to do this(I just don't know it). I'm pretty good with HTML, and I'm currently learning JavaScript and other languages.
    I'm setting up a site to sell downloads. You click to pay online then you are taken to a secure site(or webpage?) that opens(temporarily) so you can download.
    I've been thinking this over and looking around but I'm finding that I can't figure it out on my own. I was thinking that I'd have to design some kind of password protected webpages using ASP, but then I have an even larger problem(maybe not larger, but something that's even more frustrating to me).
    How can I set up a site that the visitor can pay using ONLY paypal? From what I can figure, They'd have to click on a paypal link>put in my email address and define payment and payment type?then, somehow, be returned to my site which will then(upon paying) let them go to the secure site to download what they just payed for.
    Confusing? I know. Sadly, I don't have the best communication skills.
    If anyone can help...great! If you're confused, just ask me to explain it differently or elaborate. I would love some feedback on this. I really want it to work.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    I'm new here. I basically found this forum because I have a project I want to work on.
    I know there's got to be a way to do this(I just don't know it). I'm pretty good with HTML, and I'm currently learning JavaScript and other languages.
    I'm setting up a site to sell downloads. You click to pay online then you are taken to a secure site(or webpage?) that opens(temporarily) so you can download.
    I've been thinking this over and looking around but I'm finding that I can't figure it out on my own. I was thinking that I'd have to design some kind of password protected webpages using ASP, but then I have an even larger problem(maybe not larger, but something that's even more frustrating to me).
    How can I set up a site that the visitor can pay using ONLY paypal? From what I can figure, They'd have to click on a paypal link>put in my email address and define payment and payment type?then, somehow, be returned to my site which will then(upon paying) let them go to the secure site to download what they just payed for.
    Confusing? I know. Sadly, I don't have the best communication skills.
    If anyone can help...great! If you're confused, just ask me to explain it differently or elaborate. I would love some feedback on this. I really want it to work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002



    It's very easy to incorporate Paypal into your site - have a look here and all will be explained ... http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr.../index-outside

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Well I looked over paypals site. Thanks for the help, but I didn't find quite what I was looking for.

    I found the buy now button. I think this is what I want to go with. However, I can't find information on selling electronic files. I have a PDF file. I want to be able to have people click and pay with paypal. Paying will allow them to go to a secure location where the file is and download it. Obviously, I just don't want to post the file or anyone can download it without paying. Also, I don't want them to be able to return, whenever they want, after they pay once.

    Confusing? Sorry. Poor communication skillshttp://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

    This is what I want:
    Visit the site.

    Pay with paypal so you can download a PDF file.

    After payment, you're taken to the page with the PDF.

    Download it, then the page with the PDF becomes locked out again to ensure future sales.

    I know there has to be away. I just need to find it.





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