In 1995 I personally took a position to no longer do any paid advertising for my business. The return on any paid print advertising had always been minimal over the previous 15 years but I always felt the need to promote myself in some manner - especially having been an advertising student in college.

Instead I began to do most of my marketing by way of press releases announcing new clients, promoting completed projects, informing people of articles written by me or about my business, and tooting my own horn in regards to design awards won. An article I wrote about this method of marketing may be found at:

While my press releases are design related it does not take much to alter a press release for the purposes of your own business. It is very important to target publications/sites that will be specifically interested in your content. The initial press release can actually announce the existence of your site. It should be emailed and mailed to appropriate website and publication editors.

I would also search for online directories of sites offering similar or related content. Many online directories offer free entires of a limited size.

It is about getting information about your business out there in the marketplace. It doesn't always require money out of your pocket to do so.

Jeff Fisher
Engineer of Creative Identity

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