I was referring to my limitations: I cannot model humans (yet) and I cannot play Bach--therefore, I do neither. There is nothing wrong with playing Bach, or Beatles, or any other music someone else has written. But, isn't it understood by anyone listening that you are not playing your own composition? Is anyone fooled that this is your own work? This is the issue I have: individuals who use Poser in their work without mentioning that they didn't create the model themself. I'm not talking about an architectural rendering in which the human(s) are incidental to the scene. I'm talking about compositions that rely on the Poser model.

I am always impressed by a good anatomical human model. Those who can model humans amaze me. I have attempted it, with limited success. Maybe in time I can create such models, but until then I will continue to go where my level of talent takes me, and refuse to use someone else's talent to get there. If I were to collaborate, that would be a different egg altogether, as everyone involved would receive the credit they deserve.

Hope I've made myself clear; I wasn't comparing playing Bach to cheating.

I just noticed this, and it is relevant to this discussion:

The defense rests, your honor.


[This message was edited by Brett H on June 23, 2002 at 12:25.]