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  1. #11


    Was the nude a bitmap or a vector drawing (after all that's all that should carry weight in this forum...)

    The prude's remarks remind me of a comment made to me by an Aussie buddy: "You know mate", he said, "America and Australia have so much in common. But we were the lucky ones. You got the puritans and we got the criminals..."

    Touche [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Tijuana, Mexico


    eric.... Shame on you!

    P.D What about a little animation? [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Runcorn England


    quote carygee

    "Was the nude a bitmap or a vector drawing?"

    it was 100% xara x vector carygee. I did post it as a .xar file but then withdrew it, i often feel i have to "authenticate" my work with a .xar. i suppose that's just my insecurity though, if anyone asks i will gladly e-mail them any of my stuff for what iy's worth. i often like to "deconstruct" and study other peoples fine work. ah! well must go, work tommorrow, and listen brits be nice to me coz' i'm one of the guys who will process your census form...be warned
    [cue manic laugh.]


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada


    I'm not completely sure this is attempted censorship. It may indeed simply be a case of consideration for others. But how do we draw the line between what is appropriate and what is not?

    ALmost 2 years ago I did a series combining fractal patterns and the female body- sort of nude but not nude at the same time. It still generates about 10-20 positive comments a week. However one woman objected vigorously to one image that she interpreted to glorify bondage. I tried to explain that fractals are mathematical and neither know nor care of such things but she would have none of it. On the other hand, another woman wrote that she, her husband and both *8 and 11 year old sons* thought I should put the series on a calendar.

    How far should we go to avoid offending people? I am a vegetarian for ethical reasons that have nothing to do with health or religion. Should I therefore object when I see someone's Xara X rendering of a hamburger? I suspect you (tomh21) might even consider me irrational if I did and I'm not sure you would be wrong.

    We can't please everyone and will probably cause more harm than good if we tried. Certainly our galleries would be almost empty.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Oregon, USA


    My children grew up with art books with pictures of the masters in our home which of course included nudes. AND we also had a 15 yr. subscription to National Geographic which has all kinds of nude or partially nude people people in their documentation of people who exist on this earth. I have never seen this magazine banned from school libraries.

    Amazingly none of my 3 kids (2 boys and a girl) grew up to be perverts. Maybe because they didn't have to turn to Playboy or other such publications to know what the opposite sex looked like......!!!!!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Runcorn England


    ...and here i am again waffling away. Sorry but i do LOVE DEBATE!!!

    Ask yourself not *WETHER* it offends me, rather *WHY* it offends me. AND should art trancend all this?

    now I *would* be embarressed showing it to my mother! Why? well probably because of my constrained British upbringing. maybe i should have toned it down? i could have done a less revealing drawing of her [I had 3 photos of her to work from] so was it gratuitous in any way? well, yes it certainly has erotic qualities but does that distract from it's artistic merits? I don't know the betty-boo story [please tell].
    sorry for waffling away
    nite nite

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    ... also, Tao's image almost came as a shock to me! Where was all his beautiful colours and his clever thoughts of composition?!?!!!!

    Eric - the Betty Boop story is looooong and is now ancient history, let's let that one rest, OK?


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    I know that Tom's comment has raised a lot of hackles, mine included, but please try to comment in a positive way and respect Tom's right to have his point of view.

    I have no problem with disagreeing, just do it in a civil manner. Having a difference of opinion, and being able to express it, is a wonderful freedom.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    Be It Early So Humble...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2000


    My original post does appear to have a certain streak of stupidity running through it. Perhaps cause i seemed to wake up that morning in a deep trance like state of stupidity and then immediatly jumped on the internet without evan my usual cup of coffe. Anyway my apology to anyone offended, tomh21.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    the twilight zone


    I would not reply before to make this thread sink down in the bottomless ocean of this forum as soon as possible. But when the starter begins to apologise...:

    My first impression when I read the text accompagnying the Venus was: "take care: minefield." The provocative tone was set, and everyone stepped in the ring...
    My opinion is that one should sow one's wild oats in the first half of one's teens, and perhaps a midlife crisis can force one to restart tracing photographs of nude women, but, however well it may be done: it was published to make someone react like the starter of this thread did.
    Tomh21, you must not apologise. Just try to see the trap when it is set. And don't let yourselves be provoked. And now, gentlemen: back to Xara! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    If you don't work against time, time often works for you.




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