This is how it works for me, when I have NOTHING selected and have the arrow pointer in hand, I write click in the color tablet for the line color and left click for the fill color. Everything I make from that point on will have that same line/fill color unless I change it. What you're describing sounds like when you have a line selected, you change the line/fill color while still selected, then when you click off, it goes back to the default (black/black). If this isn't what you mean, do this: On the menu bar at the very top of the program click "Utilities" then goe down and click "Options". If it doesn't direct you there automatically, go to the "General" Tab. I have everything there unchecked EXCEPT for the "Import with Layers" box and the "Save Settings on Exit".
If you have xaraX, the menus may be different, but I believe the thing you want UNCHECKED is the "Giver New Objects Most Recent Attributes".
This is just a guess as to what might be wrong. If it doesn't work, write back, but that's the only thing I can think of right now!?

Steve Newport