thank you jens and Mike for your replies and ideas! :-)

I, also, consider the computer to be a tool to use for art and communicating...I don't want everything else, appliances, by it either. But that's just me.

Well, I think I'll use MojoWorld---but perhaps not exactly as intended. Basically, in playing with it, I've discovered that I can't keep myself from modifying and changing the landscapes after they are designed...I always want to add other things, change colors and shapes with other aps, and so I guess I'll use it more like an alternate idea for some backgrounds in fantasy and sci-fi style art, which I have a bit of fun with once in a while just playing around.
It isn't enough for me just "as is", but I think it can be useful in ways, like other modeling aps, to help with angles and lighting possibilities and with different terrain structures. I think with using it in purely fantasy images I won't be causing anyone confusion.

Jens, I also have had extremely similar experiences to yours, regarding the total lack of compassion some individuals have towards wildlife---in my case I witnessed a car load of people actually try to run over an young gosling (goose) which was still just in downy feathers and had no ability to fly. It was trying to catch up to the parent goose, and they gunned the gas hard from a stoplight, on purpose, and actually hit the poor bird a glancing blow...fortunately, it was able to get up and headed back to the brush...but that cruelty I witnessed shocked me. I wondered how they treated people too. Another time, last summer, as a friend and I returned from town we found an terribly injured deer (from a car hit) laying in the middle of the road---still alive and in awful pain. It was the middle of the night on a lonely stretch of road, but neither of us could bear to leave her there even though it was dangerous for us to park the car by her to shield her from other traffic while we called and awaited the police officer's arrival. No one else had called it in. They just hit her and left. We tried to comfort her as best we could, she would lay her head in our hands...I can't forget the look in her eyes. I'm very glad we stayed with her.
Some will say, "it's just a deer, so what!"...
but it haunts me still how some can be so cruel, so indifferent to suffering. Where does that come from? I much prefer to think on the positive side of human nature and, thankfully, not everyone does these sorts of things, but it goes to show that the same behaviors seem to know no particular country's boundries. How common is it??? I hope it doesn't become more so... It is a shock to witness and quite disturbing...

Anyway--great discussion/ideas taking flight!

---As The Crow Flies!---