What you are asking for is but the grail of web design.

IMHO, animated gifs and such really do nothing for me other than slowing down my surfn and using up valued time online.

It's like many advertizments that one finds spread accross the web these days, I mean seriously, who clicks on them?

I suppose there are many angles to making profits online, just that I prefer to do this through strong creation rather than cheap effects and or cheezy ads.

I think that a well designed page stands up for itself, and if one wants to give extras then those extras should be at the other end of a button/link, thus giving your audience the choice of whether they wish to go visit these extras or not.

Sooo, IMO, a cool logo, nice color theme, and perhaps cool icon like buttons, c/w solid content, make up a far better page than one that has animated anything.