When do we, like all good paying customers, begin to ask for more? I say, why not now?

Wishlist Items:
I want a real color wheel, you know, like in grade school, RYB so I can pick complementary color sets

I want to customize the interface to set my own shortcuts (I want to set my onw shortcuts)

I want an alignment that is relative (like CorelDraw) wher the first object is aligned relative to the last.

I want to ungroup a "grouped object" although it has a shadow within it

I want to select the default setting that controls outlines and the dimesnions of an object. Currently, if you create an object with 1 pt line thickness, and you enter 100 pixels, the outline value is part of the 100 pixels. If you modify the image and turnoff the outline, then the dimesions is reduced. I am not sure what the options could be, but it can be terribly annoying to micromanage this when you draw something.

I guess this is why it is a wishlist. This off the top. Any one else?
