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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Las Vegas, NV, USA



    I would like a button that would quickly add editable registration and crop marks outside of a page. These are objects which I constantly have to make.

    Also, I suggest that X1 change it's name for the next version. First of all 'X' says nothing about drawing or vector art. Secondly, AMD is releasing it's dual core processors and they are going to be known as Athlon 64 X2.

    Now if Xara comes out with X2, it's going to lead to a lot of market confusion. Then again, Xara might want some of that misdirected traffic,

    I would suggest that a more accurate name for X be chosen, preferebly one that explains what it does. Like the name Adobe Photoshop explains what it does. Corel Painter explains what it does. Illustrator explains what it does.

    Whenever I tell someone I use Xara (and I say Xara, not X) I have to explain 'it's like illustrator, but better and easier to use, but only for the PC.' I get tired of having to explain what Xara is. The kids where I teach look at me with blank faces. I end up having to show it to them. If I'm not near my computer or laptop, they don't remember the name if they cannot see it in action.

    Wouldn't it be better for the product if it had a name that you didn't have to explain? It should have a name that is easy to remember because of what it does.

    I think a name change would help market penetration.
    My Site

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Las Vegas, NV, USA



    I would like a button that would quickly add editable registration and crop marks outside of a page. These are objects which I constantly have to make.

    Also, I suggest that X1 change it's name for the next version. First of all 'X' says nothing about drawing or vector art. Secondly, AMD is releasing it's dual core processors and they are going to be known as Athlon 64 X2.

    Now if Xara comes out with X2, it's going to lead to a lot of market confusion. Then again, Xara might want some of that misdirected traffic,

    I would suggest that a more accurate name for X be chosen, preferebly one that explains what it does. Like the name Adobe Photoshop explains what it does. Corel Painter explains what it does. Illustrator explains what it does.

    Whenever I tell someone I use Xara (and I say Xara, not X) I have to explain 'it's like illustrator, but better and easier to use, but only for the PC.' I get tired of having to explain what Xara is. The kids where I teach look at me with blank faces. I end up having to show it to them. If I'm not near my computer or laptop, they don't remember the name if they cannot see it in action.

    Wouldn't it be better for the product if it had a name that you didn't have to explain? It should have a name that is easy to remember because of what it does.

    I think a name change would help market penetration.
    My Site

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Christchurch, New Zealand






  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Boston, UK


    Some of us Acorn users from the dim and distant past will recall Computer Concepts (Xara) "Impression" and "Artworks", both of which said more about the product. I kind of like "XaraX" as a name and I never refer to it as just "X" but I have to agree, absolutely brilliant product that deserves a greater market share. Perhaps a name that includes the "X", such as "ArtistiX" ( a poor effort, sorry... probably exists anyway) might help the cause!

    The printers which I use are always amazed at how quickly I can do things with Xara but go on about multiple pages and how lack of that facility would "make them work". It's not a problem for me but it is for them. When I say, "Look it's less than a £100, why not just get a copy and use it as a time-saver.", they buryy their heads in the sand... silly boys.. never listened when I used to teach them.

    For me, export filters must be top of the list. If and when Xara can talk seamlessly with the "industry standard" programs, it will be in a far stronger position.
    "Second class fairway is better than first class rough!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK


    Hi Sheff,

    Do you know about the "Output Printer's Marks" option in the "Imagesetting" tab of the "Print options" dialog? I realise that you may have found it already and rejected it for some reason...

    Re: Program name: How about "ArtBox"? That contains the letters XAR and says more or less what it is - an array of artistic tools in a neat package...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    PhilM, Sheffield said "editable" marks though.

    I agree with this feature request. I do all of Xara printing now with CMYK TIFFs, but this means i have to put some manual crop marks on the artwork. A way to overlap crop/registration marks etc on the actual document would be great.

    As to AMD... well maybe they should change their name. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK


    Hi Antony,

    I don't ever use XaraX for imagesetting so I don't know why the built-in print marks aren't suitable for your needs but...

    The print marks are stored in a file called mrktmpl.xar within the program folder and can be edited. If anyone is thinking about playing with them I Strongly recommend making a copy of that file before doing anything else.

    Each mark is stored in a layer of its own and the layer names are used to control the behaviour of the mark.

    You can even add your own print marks if you can decipher the layer naming system (sorry but I don't know the details offhand). Xara X will show them in the "Printer's Marks" list box.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA



    As you have already created the various marks, why not make a Clip Art Gallery folder with all the marks so you can drag and drop them onto the page as needed?

    Alternatively, you could create a Template with all the marks then use Alt Tab to go from your work page to the templace and back.

    I have a giant page full of vector versions of Xara buttons, icons, menus, cursors, etc. that I use when I create tutorials and I use Alt Tab to go to the page and copy whatever is needed for each frame.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003



    They are okay if I'm printing. But of course CMYK TIFF export bypasses all the crop mark shenanigans. It'd be nice to just press a button and have the equivalent available when exporting as a CMYK TIFF.
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK


    Ah, I see. You really want to be able to "print" to a CMYK TIFF. Hmmm...




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