Hi Again Thelonius and All!

I get your drift -- maybe.

I did something in "retro" today.

I got out my Epson Photo EX CD and installed Photoshop 4.01LE and had a blast. It didn't give me error message's as that other brand from Ottawa does.

It worked faster and easier than I experienced two years ago, when I first installed it -- then quietly removed it.

The point is -- it was fun!

Why -- do we the purchaser's have to be the guinea pigs or is it white rats?
Can you imagine buying a car and having it quit in the middle of the highway at rush hour -- and it's brand new. Then having the mfgr tell you the problem of unpredictable failures is inherent in the design -- go figure!

Well they have to pay the bills somehow.

I remember a few years ago watching a Japanese marketeer for Sony tells the reporter that they always leave the latest features for the next model because it creates a desire to BUY when the one you just bought can do the job satifactorily.

I quit buying the latest gadgets shortly thereafter.

Hope that truth hasn't rubbed off me.

I love my P5.5 and it doesn't blow up much. But darned those floaters and transparent layers anyhow!!!

Wayne D