Quote Originally Posted by Initiostar View Post
Not sure about that: if a drag an image from the bitmap gallery into view, but NOT into a FlexBlock, resize it to the same width as the page (i.e. 1280px); then add it to the FlexBlock, it extends the right-hand side of the block outside the page, left justify gets to x= [0], now justify right, and it extends outside the page width.
If I drag the image direct from the Bitmap Gallery into the FlexBlock and then resize it, it seems to behave correctly. I don't think this is an issue with a Freehand block; this suggests it has something to do with padding in a FlexBlock, maybe?
Quote Originally Posted by Chris M View Post
That's exactly the same as I'm experiencing. You can make the object sit properly by using Justify Left in the Horizontal Alignment option. But the FlexBlock remains the incorrect size, and you may not want to be left justified if you have multiple objects in the Block.
Both, there is a process, sadly, needed on both Main and Variant.

You have to think Shape, Web Block, FlexGroup, Blockbackground.

Taking @Gary's demo design file:
  • The image was Justify Right - set to Justify Left.
    • The image was too wide. - Alt-Selected right edge and reduced to page width.

  • WB was too deep - selected and picked bottom boundary and moved up.
  • FlexGroup was too wide - Alt-selected right edge to touch page edge.
  • BlockBackground check - was at origin.
  • Ditto above for Variant.

I also set Main's image to Full Width & Tiled.

FlexBlock_Alignment - Acorn tidy.xar

@Xara - all this is an edge case but it necessarily needs to be automated.
