Quote Originally Posted by Jack Terrier View Post
SOrry i have taken so long to reply, i havent got the old V19 xara on my pc, so i dont have the content catalogue, i did find a website for doing new buttons they looked really good but its all CSS and i dont really understand how that works - i guess i will have to look into it - thanks for your replies though i am gratefull for any help i can get
Jack, it has always struck me as unfair that iXara never automatically downloaded all the assets that we had paid for. Instead TGers had to repeatedly advise the use of Download All as this gem was well-hidden in Xara's guidance. Latterly, the Plus version does have this necessary automatic download but you are then whammied by it being a subscription service.

I mentioned CSS Buttons earlier. I will create a new Thread to show an approach that I have been working on.
I will add the link here: https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...on-Development
