In the latest wrinkle, I now have a product update on opening that advises "Update Alert: 23.6 Now Available!"
This is very useful before the event but surely not after I have updated?

I suspect Xara is no longer going to "announce" through TG. We must appear to it to be the tumbleweed in Backwater Alley of Forums Past.

Surely the Help > Check for Updates suffices? Probably not if Xara intends to hit us with adverts.
In that case the About Xara [Product] should display a link to the Release Notes for that version.
If it is added here, please make the version details copyable again.

The convoluted path for the pop-up is [https : //]
The "See What's New" button is worse [http : //*8pbf1z*_ga*NTQzMjg4ODkzLjE2NjYxODkzNzE.*_ga _QP3LN4RC3P*MTcwNTU4NDk0MS43MDcuMS4xNzA1NTg1NzExLj UxLjAuMA..#xl_HeadingAnchor:58WhVLJ]
All that is needed is []

I do not like tracking at the best of times but I find it rum that the journey Xara takes and the destination omit secure sockets protocol.
Instead, I would be the far happier if the "See What's New" link went to []; this and .../version-23/version-23-5-update.html have yet to be added to the on-line Help and the same Help to be updated to the new features.

Talking of updating the Help []!?! (6 years stale - "desktop version 15")
Also []. As an exercise, can anyone buy Xara 3D Maker 7?

Another small change would be for the Help page link to the Release Notes to actually be to the actual update anchor.

A final plea, please update the Help files and make then downloadable.
