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  1. #1

    Default Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    I appreciate the updates, but there is so much focus on web design with Xara nowadays I feel that the updates and improvements are mainly in this area.

    There are lots and lots of improvements and features that could (and should) be implimented in the core program that us graphic designers would appreciate. I'm not saying there aren't improvements, I'm saying the weight of development appears to be on the web side.

    I don't, and personally wouldn't for a variety of reasons, use Xara for web design directly (though I do web concepts in Xara and export components).

    Maybe worth taking your webdesign goggles off and putting your graphic designer goggles on for the next raft of updates?

    Anyone else feel the same vibes?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    I have long since given up on Xara making any major changes in the graphics and drawing portion of the program. They have found a more lucrative market for non-designer web content creators. Which from a profit point of view makes a lot of sense. But I would be pleasantly surprised to see any attention given to the vector/design features. Fortunately for me, everything I need is pretty much already there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    London, UK

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlinski View Post
    Anyone else feel the same vibes?
    LOL for most of the last 20 years, yes.

    And yet, despite never using the web design functions, and despite having bought licences for virtually every competitior product and tried using those instead, and despite absolutely loathing the modern-day monochrome toolbars... I have bought almost every upgrade that Xara has released over 25 years and am into my third or fourth year of subscribing to the Pro+ (or Team+) licence, and I still use Xara Designer every single day.

    I did buy and return for a refund (in protest) some of the later Magix-released versions between maybe X12 and X19 as a "bollocks to this" smite on the webdesign focus, but it didn't throw me off, and I doubt anyone even notices. I can't do that with the Team+ subscription but I'd keep it going for the support and knowledge that no matter the changes to Windows or PCs, they'll keep it going. I've had other essential programs go out of support, not get updates, and eventually break - I'm hoping that Xara is making stacks of money and keeps going for another 20 years - not least because I don't want to have to learn any of the other programs I've bought and not used as alternatives!

    I just hope they don't bet the farm on selling subscriptions to real estate agents or people desperate to brand templates or amateur webdesigners.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    sadly I agree with Gary - it would just not be worth their while; there are technical reasons for this as well as market forces

    the niche market that xara started out in is now well covered by other programs; they have moved on to a different one
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    Much as I use and like Xara products for web work, I must indicate that there have been many non-web advances too.
    I don't care for SmartShapes as their interfacing changes how the original Xara UI works. No mention of tables, non-web widgets, SVG, (WebP), import & export of complex PDFs and other document formats.
    Xara's DTP features are still lagging as is JS rendering into PDFs.

    Even graphic purists need to publish their work occasionally so why not have the best of all worlds in one package?

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    yes, but most of what you say relates more to documents and images than drawing

    for example, would it be too much to ask for a freehand tool that does not wobble all over the place when you draw ?

    it seems to be anticipating where you might want to go next which it cannot know, and therefore it is unhelpful, nay from my point of view unusable

    and when the program has smoothing the line can redraw on a different path than you drew because the smoothing is applied after the line is drawn; the program is throttled due to necessary compromises made back in the day when PC computing power was far less

    it is not a question of modifying, it needs rewriting, as serif did when they moved to affinity, but there is no cost effective return for xara in this, it's not going to happen

    so why not have the best of all worlds in one package
    if i find a program such as this I will let you know, meanwhile the best tool for the job; I learned long ago that anything claiming to do everything is too good to be true
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Australia: GMT+10

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel View Post
    ...I just hope they don't bet the farm on selling subscriptions to real estate agents...
    There does seem to be a bit of a push in that direction! Must be where the money is

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    Quote Originally Posted by Merlinski View Post
    I appreciate the updates, but there is so much focus on web design with Xara nowadays I feel that the updates and improvements are mainly in this area.

    Anyone else feel the same vibes?
    Over the years a lot of effort has been made by forum members to feedback graphic design, workflow, general improvements and wish-list ideas to Xara, much of which has remained unacknowledged and generally gone into a black hole.

    There was a glimmer of hope back in 2019 when Rob-Xar (Xara employee) opened a forum thread asking what improvements would people like to see, but even then I don't think much ever came of it. I'm sure there are other threads with similar lists of desirable changes and updates, particularly for graphic designers.

    Jono (Jon)
    Xara Photo & Graphic Designer+

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    all the IE dependacies have been stripped out AFAIK, but I think the company had no practical choice on that one as MS depricated the program

    Rob was very helpful; he's moved on from xara but still visits the forum occasionally...
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Melfort, Saskatchewan Canada

    Default Re: Updates are Web Design Heavy - Look at core program!

    All good points, but we should also remember that graphics are a big part of web design as well. One produces graphics that may be used in a web design. I’m constantly looking for new graphic detail for graphics used in web designs. I’d agree with looking at the core graphics package.
    Bill Wood
    Charity Web Design
    XARA Pro+. WD17, Designer 17. Premium packages.




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