Quote Originally Posted by Chris M View Post
Is it just the right click menu?
Can you select the text box then select the text tool on the toolbar?
Can you double left click the text box?
Hi Chris - Correct, it's on the right click drop down menu.

Yes - I can edit by selecting box, then selecting the text tool on the toolbar, so that works.

I can double click on the text box - but the program acts like its an object. Right click still is "convert to editable shapes"

Today I do notice that the program has given me a an 'exception warning" - then proceeded to crash. I was working with text, and rather hard to duplicate. I've sent crash notices to Xara every time it does.

Select and choose text tool seems to be the workaround. The behavior is rather strange. I'm working with a number of soft groups - no blocks at all - no flex blocks - just really odd.

Probably time to save everything, and start the program again. That usually fixes it for a time. Thanks for the work around.
