Nancy, I don't think you have fully published the site.
The xr_fonts.css file is Last Modified 27 September 2023, way behind the offending page.
You have a shedload of fonts:

'Abril Fatface';
'Abril Fatface1';
'Arial Narrow1';
'Arial Narrow3';
'Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed';
'Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed1';
'Barlow Condensed Medium';
'Britannic Bold';
'Elsie Swash Caps Black';
'Fjalla One';
'Fjalla One1';
'MS Reference Sans Serif';
'Merriweather Black';
'Minion Pro';
'Oswald SemiBold';
'Raleway Black';
'Roboto Medium';
'Text Me One';
'Trebuchet MS';
'Ubuntu Medium';
'Univers Condensed';
'xr4_Arial Narrow';

I believe those with an XR prefix would be PDFs imported into the site at some point and have partial characters depending on what was typed.

I would try and replace the xr versions with the fuller sets as a start.
I would try and reduce the range of fonts used.
I would published everything to a sub-folder and check how it renders. If good, you need to purge the existing server files and republish.
You've 29 pages, all with a Variant, so that is going to be quite a slog.

If it all appears right in Preview and Export Website then the problem has to lie at the server end.
