Reinhard, here is an SVG and CSS approach that allows the type of noise to be varied: SVG - Carpet Overlay Filter.xar.

There is a lot happening:
  • The red box is an SVG filter with an ID to allow it to be used elsewhere.
  • The translucent box (overlay) has a ClassName (htmlclass-"noise") to turns anything into a noisy overlay. The CSS for this is in the Website Head.
  • In Xara, you can change the transparency.
  • In CSS, you can adjust the filter effect and include other filter actions.
  • In SVG, you can change the pitch and roughness of the noise.

For simple noise in Xara just use one or more Soft-Grouped overlays with Fractal Cloud Transparency at differing pitches, orientation and colours.

The SVG/CSS approach is effectively post-production so you could dynamically alter the values to create interesting animations, good for grass, probably not for carpets.
