bezhad, a naïve user will add tons of sliders and hires graphics and create a dog that performs badly.
I ignore SEO as a direction as you need to get performance and Accessibility right before worrying about SEO.

SEO is just juju, used to fret people out.

Xara provides, but doe not dictate, simple concepts that should always be followed:
  • Website/Page Title, Description, Keywords - simply match to the content of your site or page, an abstract or guide to what is been presented.
    • Keyword creation is all about selling your site: 'best XYZ in AZ'. look at other similar sites' usage 'cos that's who you are up against. Limited SEO benefit but shows you care.

  • Paragraph styles - use Heading 1 to 3 to give your pages a flow and structure.
  • Alt text - needed for every major image. My No. 1 for screen-reader users.
  • Image filename - use for every major image; better that Xara giving your photo a number.

Three major improvements with XPro+ and almost XDPXv19 are WebP images, self-hosted Google Fonts and Shapes as SVG.
  • Image download sizes and time are greatly reduced.
  • The Fonts improvement is most to meet GDPR but self-hosting also stops third-party http calls (to Google), saving more time.
  • SVG code becomes part of the HTML in the page and so fewer http calls.

The quickest way of checking your website is to use the browser built-in tools (F12) and then the Lighthouse tab to generate report.

If you are worried about Variants:
  • Use 1440px Main, 720px Variant and Scale to fit width.
  • Ensure buttons are bigger than 48px square.
  • Set font sizes larger than you think comfortable.
  • Do not mix Variants with Transition websites unless the graphics are trivial.

Simple techniques:
  • Design your most complex page first - use Guidelines and symmetry, but break for impact and effect.
  • Use two or three fonts at most.
  • Avoid hero images at the top - use information to get the viewer to read; in that time the downloads can catch up.
  • Set a waterline - above which the viewer need not scroll to find important information.
  • Set Theme colours early - use client images for Palette from Photo experimentation.

Things to avoid:
  • A site of just graphics - unless it is for an artist or photographer showcasing.
  • Minimise animations - Xara's offerings are limited.
  • Keep sliders off the site landing page.
  • Squeezing your entire Main into the Variant - Xara's Responsive design is far superior to an Adaptive one, I just do not like how it has been implemented.
