Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
Probably should be posted in Dear Xara.
Gary, the method is deserving of an airing in this Forum initially as it is an immediate fix to an issue that has always been around so Xara is not likely to ride in on its horse and fix it right away.

The HTML Filter issue has arisen when Xara realised that presenting boxes as CSS DIVs was more efficient that rendering images. Someone chose not to address or overlooked that a border-radius can actually take two values to overcome this issue: border-radius: 50% / 37%, for example.
At the same time Xara has failed to implement border-radius correctly as it renders curvature as absolute values in pixels. I raised this last Christmas in https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...-Round-Objects, when a fully-rounded square box (circle) had greater Line widths, the circle become more and more oblate.

With so little engagement from Xara (Bhavesh, probably), it is frustrating to have to discover and "fix" these piecemeal.
We are not changing core code, we are improving the HTML Filter (c.f., PDF export) to achieve higher fidelity.

I will add this as a link in the Round Object Thread.
