How do I password protect just one page on my web site but leave all others open access?
How do I password protect just one page on my web site but leave all others open access?
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I have used Coffee Cup Software's Website Access Manager. It works independently from Xara. You publish your site, then tell Website Access Manager what page or pages to password protect.
There are other solutions of course. This is just one I have used.
Check back to see if there are other suggestions.
Gary W. Priester | | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
You can edit the htaccess file on your hosting company's server. Also most hosting companies using cpanel allow you to do this very easily within the control panel, so the best idea would be to do that as a really secure way.
Can you protect a certain page or pages sketch?
Gary W. Priester | | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram
As far as I know cpanel lets you protect a directory only, but you can do it manually through editing of the htaccess file and that lets you password protect a particular file. With the manual way you have to generate a password and then enter the code into the htaccess file, full details for both cpanel automatic and htacces manual are in the link below:
If you do not want to edit the htaccess file manually then you would have to put that particular page in a separate directory, and that is a very quick and simple way of doing it; so your url would be and then any file you upload to that would be password protected.
There is Java available to provide basic protection such as this
Sorry, actionit.
This Thread is very old.
The method uses JavaScript not Java, which is a completely different beast and would require all viewers to have it installed.
It does not explain anything about the use of Meta statement, which is also suspect.
You have not explained how to leverage it into a Xara environment.
The method is highly dangerous as it offers not protection whatsoever.
Its syntax is very poor.
Its sole caveat is to block a right-click on the page.
Even if this is done, it is very annoying for viewers, all you need do is press F12 to read the code and the password that is in clear is readily visible.
Viewers see such blocking as an invitation to dig deeper.
Do not Bookmark this site and use its samples. It cannot even spell JavaScript consistently.
@actionit - I have Closed the Thread so if you have issues, do PM me.
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