Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
Would this work as well? Especially for people who are short on time?
Thanks Gary.

The approach would require a Intersect All any time you moved the overlap.
The resultant shapes are rendered as images so will become blocky at scale.
There is no need for the Yellow kite as the Green shapes overlap already.

My approach does not end up with any images so is one HTTP fetch, smaller and sharper.

I do notice your edges are not aligned as the comers do not touch exactly.

To make the 'perfect' Xara cube:

  1. With the Rectangle Tool, click-drag a square.
  2. Rotate 45o.
  3. Resize the width to 1,000,000 mp (Xara accepts milliPoint values typed in directly to the W & H boxes).
  4. With Aspect Ratio unlocked, set your Height to 577,350 mp (Xara uses milliPoints in its internal calculations).
  5. You now have one Face with angle 30o.
  6. Clone and Rotate to 90o.
  7. Clone and Flip horizontally.
  8. Colour and marry the three Faces as a common intersection.
  9. Soft-Group and keep as your Master Cube.

I still want to create the Face without the Steps 3&4 calculations.
The use of the Isometric Grid is no real use.

Any takers?
