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  1. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Creating portraits with CSS and HTML

    I am not politically correct... but I am an artist [as in art school] first and foremost, and I know that the only sensible answer an artist can give to the question 'why did you do it like that' is 'because I can'

    if you think that the final product is all that matters then you do not understand the artistic [=as opposed to design] process - I had a friend who did watercolours - they always ended up a mess, he was the first to admit they were a mess, but what he loved was the process of doing it...

    I cannot speak for the artist in question, but I am not going to say I know better, because I know better [than that]

    Missing the point would be to avoid Pointillism
    can you do pointillism ?

    @paul - just seen your post - its very skillfull and very beautiful yes, way beyond what I could ever do whatever way i chose to tackle it, nothing but admiration...
    Last edited by handrawn; 16 November 2020 at 08:02 PM.
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