music - you prepare, you practice, practice, practice, practice, and then you preform... even then you might extemporise if the mood takes you; or the audience reaction or that of accompaning musicians prompts you to do so; or you just damn well forget the passage you are playing

in graphic art I rarely see anyone extemporising; sticking to 'the script' is paramount

apples and oranges...

at heart midi is a digital interface with it's own communications protocol; it has a file storage format that stores only the notes/intervals and this is very important if you want to compare it to graphic art - we already have graphic formats that can store strokes/outlines/flatcolour, I use PDF for this and I have yet to find a program I would want to use that does not accept it - PDF has not been proprietary to adobe since was released and adopted as an ISO standard in 2008

the issues with porting from one graphic program to another are usually due to the way gradients/transparencies/effects etc are defined, and which are handled differently by each program

therefore, in actual fact, this is really no different to the midi standard which defines only notes/intervals as each DAW will have its own way of transposing to sound like a specific instrument

the real joy of midi is I can 'play' a guitar using a keyboard; or drums; or harp; or anything else the DAW has voiced; I don't need all the instruments even if I could play them for real which I cannot