Quote Originally Posted by onthedot View Post
I have templates for blog formatting, but the customer won't have XARA nor want to learn it to add blog entries.

Is there anything built-in that would allow a customer to securely log in and add blog entries, then allow their website (the one I build for them) to display them?

Perhaps a 3rd party add on for Xara? I thought about making a Word Press add-on for just the blog, but it sort of defeats the purpose of using Xara. Thanks in advance!

Mike Grigsby
Xara Web Designer Premium v.17
Mike, I am currently experimenting with https://www.smallvictori.es.

The customer need a Dropbox account - a free one will be fine.
You get the customer to connect Dropbox to the SV app.
You prepare a Blog SV site and create a couple of MarkDown files as templates for the customer to use.
The customer simply drops a md blog file and other assets into the Dropbox app website area and it is automatically published.
All you need provide is an Embed a Website Placeholder in the main site linking to the SV site.

The customer does not need WordPress or a Xara Design Application.
The customer has total security over their Dropbox account and the SV account.

It has few limitations.
If you want a more graphical approach, blot cost $4/m but has a more graphical approach and bells and whistles.
