I am among many, many Americans, completely ignorant of any country that is East of our Atlantic shore. :)
I also do not speak Russian.
I know how to Google translate.
But my mother is Russian, and I know a few phrases, not worth repeating.
Wow! Liverpool is quite far from DisneyWorld! Barbara and I went there, and it was a 49 minute airplane ride.
How many minutes is that in metric?
But you're even farther.
My Best,
I asked The Admin whether I could start a blog on tg.
She said no.
So instead, when I have content to share, I'll post it on a new Xara Art Gallery of mine, along with the piece.
Bouton's new test site. Volume III
If I get high score for most hits, Kate tells me I'll get a prize.
I'm kidding: She told me it I get any more thousands of hits, I'll get to pay the host bill monthly.
I'm lying about most things above.
I did this at about the same time I wrote the book on Xara. One was published and I gave away the XAR drawing, and this one I didn't. It's almost entirely Extruded I later traced off so I could export it and stuff.
I have very little idea why PANTONE skipped right past the year 2021, and went straight to Spring/Summer 2022.
Whatever; Here are most of the colors in a XAR file.
And as a little bonus, I hand traced these paint strokes.
Use 'em in good health, but you MUST use PANTONE colors on them.
And as usual, I'm kidding.
My Best,
Thanks, Gare. They're nice colors albeit a bit pale, faded.
Oh, I agree. It was my way of giving our the paint strokes, if truth be known. Someone didn't understand what an EPS file is, a long time ago, so what I did was use P'shop to write it out as a standard bitmap collection of strokes, auto-taced it and did some hand noodling.
As far as color palettes go, Barbara recently repainted my office a specific shade of green.
We got the color out of a Valspar (TM) paint catalogue, and I fell so in love with the samples I photographed the chips and am in the process of making a color palette for Xara out of them.
Not thinking about colors in a piece of art is like using Arial for al your text needs.
I think the lighting, which is all LED, corrupted the true color of the green, Boy. It's more like billiard table felt green.
But I DID experiment several years ago with green screen material, and it's not as important what the RGB values are as it is that no other color in the scene has a similar shade. Barbara and I bought a small stage green screen years ago, and after ironing it and fussing with it, we went to stock green (acid green) fabric, worked out how to avoid spill, and we did some nice chromakey work.
I don't know how others do compositing work because in film I'm officially a Nobody, but I use Adobe After Effects and I can "tune" the key areas I want to drop out.
This is 11 years ago, so please look at the concept and not the quality!
I knew that you also did some creative greenscreen video stuff! The fire of chi!